Parallel Execution

As of zfp 0.5.3, parallel compression (but not decompression) is supported on multicore processors via OpenMP threads. Since zfp partitions arrays into small independent blocks, a large amount of data parallelism is inherent in the compression scheme that can be exploited. In principle, concurrency is limited only by the number of blocks that make up an array, though in practice each thread is responsible for compressing a chunk of several contiguous blocks.

Note: zfp parallel compression is confined to shared memory on a single compute node. No effort is made to coordinate compression across distributed memory on networked compute nodes, although zfp’s fine-grained partitioning of arrays should facilitate distributed parallel compression.

This section describes the zfp parallel compression algorithm and explains how to configure libzfp and enable parallel compression at run time via its high-level C API. Parallel compression is not supported via the low-level API, and zfp’s compressed arrays are not yet thread-safe.

Execution Policies

zfp supports multiple execution policies, which dictate how (e.g., sequentially, in parallel) and where (e.g., on the CPU or GPU) arrays are compressed. Currently two execution policies are available: serial and omp. The default mode is serial, which ensures sequential compression on a single thread. The omp execution policy allows for data-parallel compression on multiple OpenMP threads. Future versions of zfp will also support a CUDA execution policy.

The execution policy is set by zfp_stream_set_execution() and pertains to a particular zfp_stream. Hence, each stream (and array) may use a policy suitable for that stream. For instance, very small arrays are likely best compressed in serial, while parallel compression is best reserved for very large arrays that can take the most advantage of concurrent execution.

As outlined in FAQ #23, the final compressed stream is independent of execution policy.

Execution Parameters

Each execution policy allows tailoring the execution via its associated execution parameters. Examples include number of threads, chunk size, scheduling, etc. The serial policy has no parameters. The subsections below discuss the omp parameters.

Whenever the execution policy is changed via zfp_stream_set_execution(), its parameters (if any) are initialized to their defaults, overwriting any prior setting.

OpenMP Thread Count

By default, the number of threads to use is given by the current setting of the OpenMP internal control variable nthreads-var. Unless the calling thread has explicitly requested a thread count via the OpenMP API, this control variable usually defaults to the number of threads supported by the hardware (e.g. the number of available cores).

To set the number of requested threads to be used by zfp, which may differ from the thread count of encapsulating or surrounding OpenMP parallel regions, call zfp_stream_set_omp_threads().

The user is advised to call the zfp API functions to modify OpenMP behavior rather than make direct OpenMP calls. For instance, use zfp_stream_set_omp_threads() rather than omp_set_num_threads(). To indicate that the current OpenMP settings should be used, for instance as determined by the global OpenMP environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS, pass a thread count of zero (the default setting) to zfp_stream_set_omp_threads().

Note that zfp does not modify nthreads-var or other control variables but uses a num_threads clause on the OpenMP #pragma line. Hence, no OpenMP state is changed and any subsequent OpenMP code is not impacted by zfp’s parallel compression.

OpenMP Chunk Size

The d-dimensional array is partitioned into chunks, with each chunk representing a contiguous sequence of blocks of 4d array elements each. Chunks represent the unit of parallel work assigned to a thread. By default, the array is partitioned so that each thread processes one chunk. However, the user may override this behavior by setting the chunk size (in number of zfp blocks) via zfp_stream_set_omp_chunk_size(). See FAQ #25 for a discussion of chunk sizes and parallel performance.

OpenMP Scheduling

zfp does not specify how to schedule chunk processing. The schedule used is given by the OpenMP def-sched-var internal control variable. If load balance is poor, it may be improved by using smaller chunks, which may or may not impact performance depending on the OpenMP schedule in use. Future versions of zfp may allow specifying how threads are mapped to chunks, whether to use static or dynamic scheduling, etc.

Fixed- vs. Variable-Rate Compression

Following partitioning into chunks, zfp assigns each chunk to a thread. If there are more chunks than threads supported, chunks are processed in unspecified order.

In variable-rate mode, there is no way to predict the exact number of bits that each chunk compresses to. Therefore, zfp allocates a temporary memory buffer for each chunk. Once all chunks have been compressed, they are concatenated into a single bit stream in serial, after which the temporary buffers are deallocated.

In fixed-rate mode, the final location of each chunk’s bit stream is known ahead of time, and zfp may not have to allocate temporary buffers. However, if the chunks are not aligned on word boundaries, then race conditions may occur. In other words, for chunk size C, rate R, and word size W, the rate and chunk size must be such that C × 4d × R is a multiple of W to avoid temporary buffers. Since W is a small power of two no larger than 64, this is usually an easy requirement to satisfy.

When chunks are whole multiples of the word size, no temporary buffers are allocated and the threads write compressed data directly to the target buffer.

Enabling OpenMP

In order to support parallel compression, zfp must be compiled with OpenMP support. If built with CMake, OpenMP support is automatically enabled when available. To manually disable OpenMP support, see the ZFP_WITH_OPENMP macro.

To avoid compilation errors on systems with spotty OpenMP support (e.g. macOS), OpenMP is by default disabled in GNU builds. To enable OpenMP, edit the Config file and see instructions on how to set the ZFP_WITH_OPENMP macro.

Setting the Execution Policy

Enabling OpenMP parallel compression at run time is often as simple as calling zfp_stream_set_execution()

if (zfp_stream_set_execution(stream, zfp_exec_omp)) {
  // use OpenMP parallel compression
  zfpsize = zfp_compress(stream, field);

before calling zfp_compress(). If OpenMP is disabled or not supported, then the return value of functions setting the omp execution policy and parameters will indicate failure. Execution parameters are optional and may be set using the functions discussed above.

The source code for the zfp command-line tool includes further examples on how to set the execution policy. To use parallel compression in this tool, see the -x command-line option.

Parallel Compression

Once the execution policy and parameters have been selected, compression is executed by calling zfp_compress() from a single thread. This function in turn inspects the execution policy given by the zfp_stream argument and dispatches the appropriate function for executing compression.

Parallel Decompression

Parallel decompression is in principle possible using the same strategy as used for compression. However, in zfp’s variable-rate modes, the compressed blocks do not occupy fixed storage, and therefore the decompressor needs to be instructed where each compressed block resides in the bit stream to enable parallel decompression. Because the zfp bit stream does not currently store such information, parallel decompression is not yet supported.

Future versions of zfp will allow efficient encoding of block sizes and/or offsets to allow each thread to quickly locate the blocks it is responsible for decompressing.